Customer Testimonials

Proud to be Top 5 on Trustpilot

We are listed Top 5 on Trustpilot for the following categories:-

I would not hesitate to recommend their services

Epic Logistic’s communication to me was second to none, I was given the date of delivery and an AM /PM schedule, and was also told the delivery driver would telephone me 30 minutes before delivery. This was done and arrived on time. The two delivery men looked very smart and wearing PPE due to this pandemic, they were courteous and carefully put my new doors exactly where I had requested. I noted before the van was unloaded the new doors were very well secured to the van sides. I would not hesitate to recommend their services.

Oak Door’s UK

Trustworthy, reliable, friendly and quick at responding

With a genuine interest in working together to create a bespoke service which works for us. We have experienced rapid growth this year and Epic has been a big part of this - without them we couldn’t grow at the rate we have with the success we have.

Divan Base Direct

Good reliable company

These guys, have always delivered my doors brilliantly. They arrive with out a single blemish.

Trustpilot Review

Fragile electrical goods, high price, never damaged

I was taken aback when I visited the warehouse for the first time as it is so clean, tidy and organised which gave me confidence in my products being there. They have robust systems which you can really feel have been built by a retailer. The depot office team feels like an extension of our team.

Outdoor Toys

Great delivery team

Called in advance, as they said they would, and then were very accommodating over agreeing to call again when a few minutes away so we could be ready for them arriving. The drivers were polite and very efficient.

Trustpilot Review